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The West : The flower’s city

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Relaxation in Majunga « City of Flowers »

Majunga « the city of flowers » is a holiday resort for nationals.
Former capital of Sakalava kingdom, Majunga is a cosmopolitan city, very lively characterized by its old Baobab centenary.
Its surroundings offer several tourist, cultural and historical sites: the cave of Anjohy, the red circus, the sacred lake of Mangatsa, the plain of Marovoay, the seaside site, besides the beach of big bulwark and the tourist village.
The Ankarafantsika National Park and Lake Kinkony, the second largest lake in Madagascar after Alaotra, are the Birdwatching places of the region.

Voyage MVoyage MadagascaradagascarVoyage MadagascarVoyage MadagascarVoyage MadagascarVoyage MadagascarVoyage MadagascarVoyage MadagascarVoyage MadagascarVoyage MadagascarVoyage Madagascar

Arcadia Travel


Day 1


Voyage Madagascar
Departure to Ankarafantsika, one of the Nationals parcs of Madagascar. Semi-desert landscapes by crossing the plain of Tampoketsa.
Noctural visit to look for smalls lemurs, night birds and chameleons.
Night at the lodge.

Day 2


Voyage Madagascar
Visit of the park in the morning to discover the great « Lavaka Ankarokaroka » created following to an important soil erosion and which offers an amazing canyon’s view (3 – 4 hours of trekking). View of unique lunar landscape the park.
In the Afternoon, boat tours around the Ravelobe Lake, a quit and welcoming place, while appreciating the Ravelobe’s legend. Watching of crocodiles, birds, wild ducks, and aquatic plant species.
Night at the lodge.

Day 3


Voyage Madagascar
Departure to Mahajanga, the cosmopolitan city of Madagascar.
City Tours of Mahajanga and visit of the «Cirque Rouge » during sunset. The Cirque Rouge is a site for observation of different types of sands used to create amazing handmade patterns in beautiful decorated bottles
Dinner and overnight at the hotel..

Day 4


Voyage Madagascar
Free Day.
Relaxation on the Beach (Grand Pavois) and swimming
Dinner and overnight at the hotel..

day 5

MAJUNGA et ses environs

Voyage Madagascar
Adventure day for the discovery of the cave of Anjohibe located about 80 km from Majunga.
Return to Majunga.
Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Day 6


Voyage Madagascar
Transfer to Mahajanga’s Airport and Flight for Antananarivo.
Depending on the flight Schedule, discovery of the Capital and its neiborhood : The Upper city, the Craft Market

Ankarafantsika National Park : home to the ANKOAY « snake eagle » endemic to the region, and a wide variety of bird species: the Schetba rufa, the striped-tailed hawk, the drongos, and the flycachter paradises; boat trip around Ravelobe Lake; observation of Nile crocodiles, Egrets, Water Hens, Falcinella Ibis, African Anhinga, and Wild Ducks.
The Tampoketsa Plateau : Steppe and Savannah landscape.
Maevatanana : the hottest and richest city in Madagascar.
The Cirque Rouge : observation site of different types of sand, used for the manufacture of pretty little bottles, decorated by various clever patterns.

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